An 8-week summer fitness accountability challenge by Tina Haupert: Stay consistent with your training and build a physique with more muscle definition, leanness, and strength!

Add your name and email below to add yourself to the LEAN SUMMER SOLUTION Interest List and GET 5 FREE WORKOUTS + access to Tina's 12-Week Strategic Fat Loss Plan as well as discounts and exclusive bonuses when doors open!
Please note, by adding your name to this list, you're not committing to the program. You'll just be the first to know when enrollment opens!
What Women Say About CNC Workouts

"To me, your success is important. You’re not in this alone."
Hi, I’m Tina! I'm an FDN-P and Certified Nutrition Coach. I am also the Founder of Carrots 'N' Cake, Author of The Everything Macro Cookbook, YouTuber, podcast host, and Creator of the StrongMadeSimple Programs.
As someone who works with thousands of clients year after year, I know that the combination of nutrition, fitness, and support are essential for achieving positive changes in body composition and maintaining those results long-term without making yourself crazy in the process. This is exactly why I created this fitness accountability challenge to help you stay consistent with your workouts this summer. If you commit to this challenge and yourself, I know it’s going to be a game-changer for you!
Add your name and email below to add yourself to the LEAN SUMMER SOLUTION Interest List and GET 5 FREE WORKOUTS + access to Tina's 12-Week Strategic Fat Loss Plan as well as discounts and exclusive bonuses when doors open!

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