Join the Lean Summer Solution Accountability Challenge To Get Fit and Feel Great together!


You're not alone in this journey! Let's do this together!!


Enroll in the Carrots 'N' Cake 8-Week Lean Summer Solution, so we can hold each other accountable and work towards staying consistent with our training to build more muscle definition, leanness, and strength! 




  • 8-weeks of brand new full-body workouts programmed to elicit REAL results ($199 value).These workouts are on fire, meaining they're a combination of weight-training PLUS metabolic conditioning PLUS cardio/HIIT. The program is a full-body split, 4 days per week, all workouts will take you 20-30 minutes and can be done at home with dumbbells or at the gym.
  • All workouts contained on convenient print-and-go PDFs and accessible via mobile or desktop ($99 value). You'll have lifetime access to these workouts to repeat the program as many times as you'd like.
  • Video demonstrations and modifications for all exercises and levels ($49 value).There are demo videos for each individual exercise, which are formatted to help you master each movement so you don't have to wonder if you are doing it right. These videos are short and to-the-point so you don't have to spend all day watching videos, but instead can get what you need and get into the workout ASAP. .
  • A suggested workout calendar ($99 value) to help you build these workouts seamlessly into your week to help keep you on track and give you the room to adjust as needed based on your schedule.
  • Warm-up workouts ($49 value)to help you stay safe and activate specific muscle groups more effectively in preparation for the workouts.
  • Connection, accountability and camaraderie via our exclusive private community aka THE BEST PART! ($499 value) I could have easily made this a DIY program, but the community, connection and support will help you 100% stay accountable to finishing the challenge and winning prizes!
  • Giveaways and discounts! ‘Nuff said! Over $1,200.00 in value for a fraction of the cost! I really want to make this a no-brainer for you!



#LeanSummerSolution is a Workout Consistency Challenge, BUT it's so much more!


I'm asking you to put some skin in the game and COMMIT to 60 days and set yourself up for habit change and continued consistency and progress after the challenge, which is why this challenge is totally DOABLE and not extreme!


I'm providing 3 workouts per week, videos to help you with your exercise form, a suggested calendar to follow and, of course, an amazing community of like-minded women doing the challenge right alongside you.


The name of the game is CONSISTENCY + RESULTS!


The goal is to dial in our fitness routines and challenge ourselves by completing short, but intense metabolic conditioning workouts. These workouts are specifically designed to elicit physique change in 30 minutes or less. These are weight training workouts, but you will also feel the cardio burn and break a sweat!


In order to complete the challenge, you must complete 24 workouts over the 60 days (an average of 3-4 workouts a week). The workouts are short and sweet and the goal is consistency, so I want you to do what you need to to get them in!


Join hundreds of others taking part in this challenge. It's called #LeanSummerSolution ... ... not only because “lean” is a look and a feel, but more importantly because “lean” is a way of doing things—fast, simple, efficient and streamlined. It’s the opposite of clunky, cumbersome, long and miserable. And at almost 43 years old (this challenge starts on my birthday!), I want my training to be LEAN. I don’t want to spend hours exercising or need a ton of fancy equipment or do 847 different exercises. I want my training to be straightforward, effective, and part of my life, especially during the summer, but not my whole life. Maybe that’s you too?


If you've been in a funk with your motivation and/or inconsistent with your workout routine, you may need some external motivation. You may need support, accountability, some affirmation, a cheer squad, and something to help you BUILD MOMENTUM, so that you can graduate to a fitness routine that is automated and just part of who you are. 


This is why #LeanSummerSolution is 60 days. It’s enough time to offer some initial motivation and an external push, but it’s short enough to not be a forever crutch. I'm excited to take this journey with you this summer and can't wait for you to get your hands on these workouts and introduce you to our incredible accountability community! 

What People Have to Say About CNC Workouts

In just 2 MONTHS, you will...


  • Get waaaay more consistent and motivated with your fitness routine, showing up for yourself daily!

  • Know how to prioritize your workouts so you can achieve your physique goals with clear direction and zero guesswork

  • Understand what's most important for staying accountable to yourself and turning the need for external motivation into INTERNAL inspiration! I want you to have the knowledge and drive to continue on your own after the challenge is over!

  • Permanently say goodbye to extreme exercise, unrealistic expectations, and an all-or-none mentality with exercise. This challenge will show you that straighforward, effective exercise done consistently will get you where you want to go, no gimmicks!

  • You will get stronger, lose inches, and experience a massive health and energy boost!


Receive over $1,200 worth of value with your enrollment!


Lean Summer Solution is a Workout Consistency Challenge... but it's so much more! Stay accountable to completing short (but intense!) workouts over the course of 60 days working directly with Tina and the CNC Coaching Team to continue the progress long after!! 💪



More Feedback About CNC Workouts




"When it comes to exercise, more is not always better"


Hi, I’m Tina! I'm a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), Certified Nutrition Coach, published author, creator of the StrongMadeSimple programs, and founder of Carrots 'N' Cake.

I've spent more than 15 years in the online fitness industry and helped hundreds of women get healthier while improving their metabolism and body composition. However, what I saw again and again, in the women coming to me for coaching, is that many of them struggled to achieve their physique goals, despite spending hours and hours exercising every week.

You see, when it comes to fitness, oftentimes, LESS is MORE. Everyday women, who are actively pursuing their weight loss goals, often fall into the overtraining trap. They go into a new fitness program seeking results with hours and hours (and hours) of training. They do not allow their bodies to rest and recover between workouts, and they end up damaging their hormones, metabolism and sometimes gaining weight in the process. Trust me, you don’t need to crush your body every single day to get great results, especially if you’re using the right program.

With this 8-week fitness accountability challenge, you’ll receive all the tools you need to see results in less time, or if you've been overtraining, it can help to reverse the effects, so you can start to see the results you’ve been working so hard to achieve!


Join Lean Summer Solution: 8-Week Fitness Accountability Challenge to Help You Get Strong, Lean + Consistent

Weight + Cardio Workouts for at Home or the Gym

Complete 24 short (but intense) workouts in 8 weeks and continue the momentum long after!